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Tag Archives: sadness

Get to know Bipolar disorder. During the time everyone was asked to cooperate to self-isolate. distance from society It is natural for a person to experience feelings

Get to know Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is treated quickly and can lead a normal life. Get to know Bipolar disorder. During the time everyone was asked to cooperate to self-isolate. distance from society It is natural for a person to experience feelings of stress, anxiety, or possibly uncontrollable mental states. Even worse,

If you have Post-Series Depression

Post-Series Depression how do you manage yourself?

If you have Post-Series Depression, how do you manage yourself? First you have to admit to yourself that your favorite series. favorite cartoon Or the reality show we love is over. And it’s time to return to the real world. If you’re sad or miss the character to

Post-Series Depression is caused by what?

Post-Series Depression is caused by what?

Post-Series Depression, a state of sadness when the series ends.  Post-Series Depression is caused by what?  translates into Thai as Depression or depression after watching the series is depressed and the loneliness that happened for a while because I can’t stand that my favorite series has to end Some people