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10 Ways to Reduce Belly Fat without Exercise

10 Ways to Reduce Belly Fat without Exercise. How to lose weight without dieting is something everybody wonders about. Everybody today wants to have the perfect body and with the increasing amount of junk food we’re consuming, it has become difficult to not just lose weight

10 Different Ways to Get Rid of Excess Fat 

10 Different Ways to Get Rid of Excess Fat  1. Eat healthy foods. The most important factor in reducing excess fat is eating. Because eating good food that is full of nutrients, in addition to not causing fat to accumulate, it also helps the body

What is excess fat?

What is excess fat? Subcutaneous Fat that is gathere around the skin and muscles. It can found in the thighs, upper arms, hips, abdomen, face, and neck. There is also another type call Visceral Fat or abdominal fat. Which is fat that is stored in