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Vitamin C In terms of eating to prevent

Vitamin C In terms of eating to prevent

Vitamin C In terms of eating to prevent. Vitamin C is recommended here is a supplement. It is not vitamin C that can be obtained from normal diet. Because most of us are not getting enough vitamin C from food each day. By the main benefits of vitamin

protect against UV and HEVIS rays

How to protect against UV and HEVIS rays

How to protect against UV and HEVIS rays Reduce the play of mobile phones or smartphones to some less. Especially at night (I do not believe it, I have to believe that Thai people are the number one mobile phone in the world. Using a mobile phone an

Effects of UV and HEVIS rays

Effects of UV and HEVIS rays

What is blue light Blue light (HEVIS), a silent threat from light … it affects the skin more than you think! Blue Light  is the official full name as a High Light, the Energy Visible mode (referred to as the HEV or HEVIS Light, ) is a light, high-energy mix in a

against COVID-19 In the elderly

Strengthen your immune system against COVID-19 In the elderly

Strengthen your immune system against COVID-19 In the elderly. Pulmonary disease is one of the most common diseases in Thailand and is one of the top 5 most common diseases causing extensive waste of health resources. Lung diseases are classified into non-infectious lung diseases such as