What is excess fat?

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What is excess fat?

Subcutaneous Fat that is gathere around the skin and muscles. It can found in the thighs, upper arms, hips, abdomen, face, and neck. There is also another type call Visceral Fat or abdominal fat. Which is fat that is stored in internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and intestines. This type is consider very dangerous to health and is difficult to reduce.

Causes of excess fat

  1. Genetics Many people who are obese. That is very difficult to reduce. This may be due to genetics from their parents. If the parents are obese, there is a 25% risk that their children will also be obese.
  2. Gender and Age As people age, their metabolic rate decreases, and statistically speaking, men tend to store more fat in their abdomen than women, while women tend to store more fat around their hips and thighs.
  3. Eating too much fatty foods. If you eat foods that high in fat, carbohydrates, and sugar, exceeding the amount you should get each day. They will eventually converte into fat. When they accumulate in large amounts, the body cannot burn them all off, so they accumulate and infiltrate various organs.
  4. Not moving or exercising much. If you are someone who sits and works in one place, moves your body little, and does not exercise, your body uses less energy. Even if you do not eat foods high in fat, fat may accumulate because your body does not burn it well. 

Excess fat, is it dangerous?

Excess fat affects health, which can divide into in the blood,under the skin in the abdomen. When time passes, https://ufabet999.appmore fat accumulates, leading to other dangerous diseases such as high blood pressure, heart, cerebrovascular disease, fatty liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease.